My dystopian gay romance Shelter Me was released on Amazon in January. Thank you to everybody who reviewed it! It was great to see so many four and five star reviews. Here are a couple of short quotes from blog reviews:
“The set up captivated me right away, and the story kept my attention from start to finish, especially the climactic ending. We follow first Leo, then he and Cole as they frantically try to find their way to freedom while the Facility hunts them down, determined to get Leo and Jae back. As the search closes in, the book’s pace picks up even further and I found myself frantically reading to make sure these guys made their way to safety.”
Joyfully Jay
“This book was such a joy to read … It’s beautifully written, with clear and concise prose. There’s a clarity about the style, a sort of sparseness, that echoes Leo’s character in its directness”
Anna Butler Fiction

However … many readers and reviewers mentioned that they wanted to know more about what exactly is threatening the world in Leo and Cole’s time. Who are the terrorists who are out to destroy society? What are they trying to achieve?
Some of this is to come in the next book in the series, but I do believe in giving readers what they want, so I’ve written a little more explanation into chapter 7 and uploaded the new version to Amazon. If you bought it, you can download the update to your Kindle through “Manage Devices” in your Amazon account (some Kindles are set to do this automatically).
The image on the right here is a quote from Cole in the book. I can imagine Cole looking at Leo with just that expression on his face so many times in the first couple of days after they meet!